Mikero's Tools (DePbo, MakePbo, pboProject) For advanced Users this can really help for developers with compile and decompile pbo's.Ĭhanging the mission name, author, game mode, loading screen etc.Ĭan all be done through the editor, however that may take some time since they are all in different sub menus, to solve this issue this framework also allows easy changing in the (/GuzzenVonLidl/GW-Framework/wiki/Getting Started#description.ext), you will find these settings at the top, follow instructions found there.Ĭorrect naming of mission is used for sorting in done in 4 stages: Poseidon Tools a modified version of Sublime Text 2, created and modified by the game devs themself.This is the one I use and highly recommend it.Ītom with a plugin that is maintained by the ACE devteam. I highly recommend using a custom code editor, most people use Notepad++ and it works, with plug-ins it will help you spot errors in your code by using syntax highlighting and that is the most impotent.However I would instead recommend using either: Consists of a Stable build For best experiences this should be used.There is also a unstable versions that can contain some bugs, fixes and/or improvements depending on what stage it is.This framework is also directly connected to my GW-Addons that adds multiple enhancments to 3den editor and you will not be able to edit missions without it.